Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend in Reverse

The kids slept in til almost 9 this morning! We went to bed late after going to our Annual Church picnic last night! Such a good time! With church starting at 9:30 though there was no way for us to get there in we had a little church here and then split girls and guys for the day. Aunt Susan came over and we went shopping and then to MiMi and PaPa's pool. Mallory is hugging her new buddies...a talking Elmo that MiMi found for $1 at a yard sale and a doll that Susan got her today who she named Betty Lou (it's the first doll she has ever named!)...

Daddy and PaPa worked some more on the swing set while Carter took his morning nap. (Above pic shows off his new top tooth peeking through!)

It was our first trip to the pool this year. (What difference a yr makes!) Mallory loved it! She was jumping off the sides to me over and over again. She was trying to swim like a "big girl" and put her head under. She walked up and down the steps in and out of the pool and she loved having me throw her "up in the sky" and catch her in the water. We are so excited that she loves the pool! Now we will have to get her a little life jacket since she loves it so much. My favorite was when she would have a "giggle fit" after being caught from jumping in the water.

Yesterday we had some time after naps and before the picnic (Mike was at a Dance Recital for several of his students) so we headed out to drop off a book at the library (thanks Cara!), but not before stopping at Chickfila to split a delicious milkshake with my girl! Heaven! :)

Then when we got home we spent some time playing in the van (which we do often when we arrive home...neighbors prob think we are crazy!). It is apparently the coolest hangout spot ever! Mallory loves to sit on the backseat and read to us when we get home. She likes to stick her sippy cup in the holder back there...and Carter likes being read to!
And Friday night I got to go to Book Club and enjoy time with friends chatting about life and literature! What a great weekend! :)!!!


EJ said...

When we first got the van, Owen spent a lot of time in there playing. I was on bedrest at the time and I remember my first ride, he was pointing out all its features.

Ali said...

really me

The Perreca Family said...

I love how "cool" your van is!! Glad the kids love it. I now need to go get a milkshake- if only Chick-fil-A was a bit closer....