Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hanging with Magoo and Magee!

Yay for sunshine again! We have had a restful 2 days...Mallory passed her cold onto Carter so I've been hanging out at home "on lock down" with my little "Snots Magee and Magoo"...we have had fun though and today we could go outside! Mallory and I enjoyed it during Carter's nap and then we headed to the grocery store (as Mal would say, "we do da Food Lion) and came back and played and enjoyed our lunch out in the yard as well. :)
I am 1/3 of the way through my online class to recertify! I am so grateful that we live in a country where we can go to school on our own schedule and at home! I'm enjoying learning again, but have been a bit of a "stress ball" at times bc it is so much material and so many things are due each day it gets a bit overwhelming at times! (I guess cramming a semester in 3 wks would do that!) But just 2 more weeks and I should be good to teach til 2015! Can't believe both our little ones will be in school by then!! :)

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