Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 4 and Counting

We are home again on Day 4 and I haven't imploded! God is good! :) Last night at dinner Carter started to run a temp so we headed to the Dr. at 630 in the evening (love that our ped is open late!) It felt weird to be back there after so much time away! His cold went to his ears and he has his 2nd ear infection.
Here he is above in his new carseat! He weighs 22 lbs now and we had to get a new seat bc he had reached the weight and height limit on his other one! We never had this problem with our "muffin"! This seat is convertible so we can turn it around in a bit! We love our happy boy and even when he is sick he has a smile. When the Dr. was digging in his ear to check it Mr. Man was cheesing it up with a huge grin...who does that? We love our "moose"!

Here is the Mal Pal on Day 1 of our "Sicky Retreat"...
I didn't have any After School kids yesterday so MiMi came over to help out after naptime so I could get lots of school in before dinner...I'm so glad she did with our impromptu trip to the Dr! She and Mallory washed the kitchen set that has been up in the "eagle's nest" on the swingset...this pollen is out of control! Mallory loved scrubbing it! Then PaPa came over and we had some Chinese for dinner!
I can really feel God changing me and helping me become more content just at home with my kiddos. I also see Him working on me in the peace dept. Last night when Carter started being fussy and had a temp the "Panic Patrol.....Party of One" (aka me) felt peaceful as I scurried off to the doctor and I knew that was God giving me that peace. This morning I'm missing my last MOPS meeting for the year and I am very disappointed bc I will miss seeing friends, but I'm enjoying extra cuddles from my 2 little ones at home and lots of reading. Today Mal was "reading" a Pooh book to me and said, "He's going to see Jesus!!!" It is so neat to see how often Jesus comes up in her read alouds...Once even Tarzan was Jesus!
I am going for a record of "being still" and I am grateful that God is helping me do it! We even have a "Stay-cation" planned for this weekend...a vacation on a budget...we plan on doing nothing and staying at home to relax! :)


Courtney said...

it's hard, isn't it?? being STILL and having that peace? but He will give it to you...good for you for recognizing it and where it's coming from! can't wait to hear about your weekend! i'm dreaming of doing NOTHING these days...there is too much going on and i feel like i'm always saying "no" to things...

Ali said...

sorry I wasn't much help in the car seat dept. I didn't have much info to offer. Hope we can see you monday.