Saturday, January 10, 2009

Give to Gain

Today marks 1 wk of the kiddos being in their new has been a smooth transition so far (knock on wood!!!) except for earlier wake ups for Mallory the last few days...We have been so spoiled with how she sleeps (12-13 hrs a night) that I was afraid the new bed and being able to get out would change that (so far she calls for us and stays in bed...let's hope that continues!)...tonight we won't turn on the night light (she didn't have one in the Nursery) and see if that she woke at 6 and called for us for 15 we are up and watching Elmo! :)
I was talking to one of my friends at MOPS on Thurs. about the transition and she made a good have to "give to gain"...We had to give up holding her and singing to her before putting her in the she just climbs into bed before prayers...but now we get to read with her in bed at night and in the morning we get to climb in for a snuggle!
I took this pic this morning as soon as I opened to door...I wish I had gotten a pic of her in the Nursery before she moved out...I loved going in and seeing her sitting up with her legs hanging through the rungs and saying, "Hi Momma! Daddy not home...Daddy working!!!!" (Same thing each morning!) But now it is so fun to fling the door open and see my little girl...bedhead and all and hear her say, "Momma roud (proud) of you! Daddy roud of you!!!" and jump in for my morning snuggles! :)


The Perreca Family said...

Yay for Mallory!!! That early morning call will eventually get better- at least I'll be praying that it does!!

carrie @ the boonie life said...

Sarah, I think that you have the cutest kids in the world! They are seriously so beautiful!