Thursday, January 8, 2009

Travelin' Thru...

Exhibit A and B....Do you see something out of place in these 2 pics? Notice the "shelf" where sippy cups and snack bowls have found a home...

So it has become more and more apparent that our little girl is watching our every move...the good and the bad. Mommy has a bad habit of using the back of the sofa as a storage shelf (drives Mike crazy!) and yesterday Mallory followed suit...uh oh! It is humbling and scary to be parents isn't it!??! Children are such mirrors.

When we were preg with each kid we made a mix CD for them that we listened to through their time in utero and beyond...well a song on Mal's called She was Watching by Mark Schultz is such a tear jerker and a prayer for us as parents...(we found the song after we had made her original CD...check it out on itunes!) I was listening to it today along with another one we found after her birth that follows directly after it on her CD. Travelin' Thru preformed by Jason Castro on American Idol. I love the lyrics and hope our kids see their parents as broken people just "Traveling Thru"...

...I'm out here on my journey
Trying to make the most of it
I'm a puzzle I must figure out
Where all my pieces fit....

Like a poor wayfairing stranger
That they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim
Trying to find what feels like home...

Questions I have many
Answers but a few
We're here to learn the spirit burns
To learn the greater truth...

...God made me for a reason
And nothing is in vain
Redemption comes in many shapes
With many kinds of pain

Oh, sweet Jesus if you're listening
Keep me ever close to you
As I'm stumbling tumbling
As I'm traveling through....

....Oh give me some direction Lord
Let me lean on you
As I'm travelin' travelin' through....


The Perreca Family said...

I love the lyrics and the fact that M uses the back of the couch as a shelf- Addie and Al do the same thing!!

Anonymous said...

ah, that is so cute about Mallory mirroring you guys...the "exhibits" made me laugh out loud! I can't wait to see what else she picks up on!! =)