Thursday, January 15, 2009


So God talks about REST hundreds and hundreds of times in the Bible right?!?! Must be important...He must have needed to go over it with us over and over so we would get it....and how often do we forget to rest? I mean even Jesus rested...and He had so many important things to do and teach during His time here on Earth...God rested on the 7th day...and He's God! :)

Well we are having a day of rest over here today...Mallory looks like a character from the "Garbage Pail Kids" from the 80s..."Snotty Sabrina" we are relaxing and I'm getting to snuggle a lot with my little girl! "Momma I want snuggle" great to just lay on the couch and watch some Sesame Street and snuggle with my little girl who is often too busy to rest...and I think that must be the same way God is looking down on me...I'm often way too busy to stop and rest....

I just finished a book my sister Laura lent me...the author is very candid, sassy, and "real" about her faith, doubts, and questions about life. It was a good book and gave me some new thoughts on are a few quotes I liked from the book:

In the chapter about The Cruise Ship she talks about her aunties (the jiggly part of her legs she is normally ashamed of) and the walruses are the overweight people on the cruise who are having a great time and have forgotten that they should be concerned about their looks.

"I drank my cranberry and soda, and put more lotion on the aunties. They loved it out here on the deck--the sun, our favorite drink, watching the company onboard. I felt safe with the people around me now. The sense of safety suddenly made it clear to me that, looking at us, God saw not walruses, but babies: radiant and befuddled, all these hearts at TEMPORARY REST. When you rest, you catch your breath, and it fills your lungs and holds you up, like water wings, like my father in the deep end at the rec center pool."

"In the Christian tradtion, they say the soul rejoices in what it already knows. And so you pay attention when that Dr. Seuss creature inside you sits up and strains to hear."

~Anne Lamott's Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith

I know God loves rest and wants me to and it feels so good when I actually do it. :) We are just "piddling" around today and it feels wonderful! Working on things like sharing...Mallory has gotten in lots of Time Outs as we are trying to teach this social skill to her...and today she put an "avalanche of toys" on her brother as he sat in his warmed my heart and made me feel peace...and that's what rest helps us have peace...Why don't I do it more?!?!?!


The Perreca Family said...

These kinds of days are my favorite, too!! Just hanging out, doing nothing but being together!! And for the record, M does NOT look like anything other then cute!

Anonymous said...

girl, you are not the only one who struggles with rest! Glad you got some good rest in today with the cuties...
I love Anne Lammott- she cracks me up and yet is so painfully real. It's very refreshing!

Christy said...

I love catching up on your family. I haven't read for a while so I just read the past month I think. So wonderful to hear your thoughts on life and mommyhood...I love it. Your 2 angels are precious. :)