Monday, January 26, 2009

5 Months!

Can't believe this time next month we will be celebrating Little Man's first Half B-Day! What in the world!??!! He brings us so much joy each day! And so much has happened this month!

*He moved to the Nursery! The first week he stuck to his previous schedule, but then the 2nd wk he started waking up 2xs a night! (So we started feeding him at 11 too so he wouldn't wake up at 2am and 5am!) He still goes to bed around 8, but now gets a "Dream Feed" at 11 and then sleeps until 5-530ish to eat, then 730 or 8 wake up!

*Nap Training! Slow and Steady wins the race right?!?!? We are working hard in this dept., but the longest nap we can take is 45 mins in our crib! It's hard when you can take such FABULOUS naps in your car seat and on top of Mommy! But we are getting there! And he does still get to nap sometimes in his car seat bc of the convenience of it all! He is so in the routine of falling asleep on our way to the bus in the morning and afternoon! It's so nice and easy to just plop the car seat down with the happy baby bundle snoozin away...or to put him in the corner in his seat when we are on playdates...he is a "go-with-the-flow" type of guy! :)

*We are now on our 3rd med to try to fig out his allergies and why he has been coughing for so long...our little guinea pig is such a trooper!

*He had rice cereal for the first time a few days ago and he loves it! (Footage to follow soon!)

He is growing so fast and is doing so many new things! We love our little guy! :)

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