Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day NOT in Labor! :)

Mal and Abby loving on Carter...

Carter loves his Aunt Susan!

Blazin' the trail Daddy made for the first time....and below is "The Man of the Hour"...

We had such a fun holiday with family today! MiMi, PaPa, Susan and Mike, and "The Other Morin Crew" came over for a cookout....It was nice hanging out with everyone and lots of work got done in the yard as well! Mike cut a cool curvy pathway in our woods behind our house to the school behind us...He had wanted to do that for awhile and today the weather was perfect for it!

We also got the nicest call this morning from our OB....He is back from vacation and was calling to see how labor went and that he was so sorry to miss out on Carter's debut! It was so fun to hear from him ! :)


Douglas Easterly said...

Yeay more pictures! What an adorable little guy! And you're so good at updating us all :) Glad to hear all is going well and that big sister is being so loving and cute too! Enjoy these newborn days ;) Hugs to all of you!

The Perreca Family said...

What an awesome time! I can't get over how adorable Carter is!! He looks like he's growing like crazy!!