Saturday, September 20, 2008

Due Date!

Smiling "chi-rens" this morning...Mallory was reunited with her sweet baby!

Hard to believe that today was Carter's due date and we have already gotten to enjoy his sweet personality for 3 1/2 wks outside of the womb! He brings us such joy and is such a content little baby! He is such a trooper and has had quite an adventurous first 25 days...starting off with a crazy labor that ended in a C-Section bc he had turned "Sunny Side Up" and was having trouble making his entrance...he looked like a boxer when he arrived bc he had been bumping up against my pelvic bone during labor...And then to be on meds for the last 18 days to rid his body of the infection he got from the hospital. (And to be overdosed at the beginning!) He takes his meds without complaining even though this new med smells and I'm sure taste awful! It has been hard for Mommy to deal with Carter being sick, but he has done so well with it all! Such a tough little guy! We hope on Tues. to get a clean bill of health...please pray for that! We were upset last time on day 10 of the med to have a bump reappear so we had to start this new med. We have also switched ped in the time that Carter has been with us and now go to a practice with the #1 ranked ped in our area! We were very happy with our initial visit and Carter weighed in at 8 lbs 15 oz on Wed! :)

Though this has all been hard on his parents (very hard on Mommy) we have to remember that the Lord loves his children and He cares for us during trying times! Remembering scripture helps!

"Not only so, but we also REJOICE in our SUFFERINGS, because we know that suffering produces PERSEVERANCE; PERSEVERANCE, CHARACTER; and CHARACTER, HOPE. And HOPE does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
~Romans 5:3-5

Now we are off to enjoy the are open to let more fresh crisp fall air in and Carter is snoozin' away like a champ! We are so excited about a 4 day weekend with Daddy...we are loving spreading out Mike's paternity leave!


Anonymous said...

happy "official" due date Carter! So glad he joined us when he did!!

Courtney said...

sarah - so glad you are doing well. sounds like you've had quite a month! we have an 8 week old...but not near the drama with labor/delivery that you have had!