Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mops Aren't Just for your Kitchen!

How fun is it to have something with his initials!!?!?!? I promise he isn't getting squished by sissy....she just can't control herself sometimes!!!!

We had such a great time this morning at MOPS! I encourage any mom with little ones to check to see if there is one in your area! It's such an encouragement to me! I learned so much from the speaker and hope to be a better mom bc of her talk today!
The group gave Carter a monogrammed burp cloth! I love it! And Mallory enjoyed her new class- "The Banana Bunch!" So good for all of us to get out and have fun with our peers!

BTW: (Don't want to forget!)
Carter looks like he is going to sneeze sometimes now and then makes a cooing sound instead..."ahhhh ooooooo"....I hope to capture it on film sometime!


The Perreca Family said...

That's great that you have found a mops group to join! I'm on the Steeting Committee for the one near me- it's been a great way to meet other moms! I love Carter's burp cloth- so handom!!

The Perreca Family said...

That's great that you have found a mops group to join! I'm on the Steeting Committee for the one near me- it's been a great way to meet other moms! I love Carter's burp cloth- so handom!!