Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Gretel Goes Zooin'

Feeding the "raffe' was tons o fun! Until he got a little too close! :)

Feeding the birds and watching the monkeys on the island!

Mallory loves the big turtles...

Carter slept through his first zoo experience!

This morning we were going to meet up with playgroup for the first time with 2 kids! I was so excited! :) Mallory was still sleeping at 9:45am though! I had to go up and check on her to make sure she was ok! (She sleeps til 930 sometimes, but this was later!) Finally at 10 am I woke her up and told her we were going to the zoo. She said, "raffe, rhino?!!?" We met up with the rest of the gang for the last leg of the zoo and then ate lunch with them. Afterwards they headed home (they got there at 10) and we explored the zoo alone. We had the place pretty much to ourselves bc it was nap time for most kids. Mallory sure does know her way around thanks to MiMi and all their trips this summer! She loves walking and carrying her cup with food for the animals...she is just like Gretel leaving a trail of food in her wake and going back and picking it up when she realizes she has dropped some...and she also picks up any she sees on the ground and adds it to her cup! Such a money girl! :) The weather was gorgeous and windy today!

1 comment:

Douglas Easterly said...

Wow - Mallory slept until 10am! Has she always been a late sleeper? I'm so jealous! I would LOVE to have Amina sleep until 8:30 sometime ;) Looks like fun at the zoo! And I'm so glad to hear Carter is all better! I'm so thankful our God protects our children (and brings peace to us mommys). Hugs to you!