Sunday, September 21, 2008

Help is on the Way!

Aren't grandparents the best?!?!?! :)

Mallory hanging out in "Fort Fun" that Daddy made...

Carter and PaPa watching the game...and Mike and I before our date!

PaPa and MiMi called last night with an offer to babysit so we could go on a date! And of course we took them up on it! We headed out to lunch and ice cream and then to grocery shop...(still not sure how people shop with 2 kids in the cart...where do the groceries go!!?! So we def filled the cart and were glad to restock our pantry...) It was so nice to get out and talk without interruptions! And the weather was beautiful to sit outside and eat our yummy Coldstone ice cream!!


The Perreca Family said...

What a treat! And yes, grocery shopping with 2 is an adventure! I find that the grocery stores that have little cars in front of their buggies, tend to get my business these days! If not, the baby carrier worked well in the beginning for Alden while Addie was able to maintain her front-buggy status!

Ali said...

Yes, grandparents are the best! How nice of them to randomly offer.