Once all the cousins were back together it was time to open gifts! Our kids woke up at normal times...wonder what age the excitement will really hit for our kids? A and T were so patient to wait for everyone to be ready to open gifts...they got to open their stockings earlier bc the had to wait for hours for the other 4 cousins to be ready...
Carter was too busy playing for a photo opt with his pile...M on the other hand looks "elf on the shelf-ish" in her pose...cracks me up with her legs all bent!
E is almost ready!
Carter says, "CRACKER!!!" he loved saying, "Hi!" to the nutcracker multiple times each day...
We are almost ready for the cousins to tear through their gifts together! Wrapping paper is about to fly!
It's on!!! M was excited to get a baby doll and Carter loved his elephant and hippo figurines...
Stocking time!
Carter got his sock monkey from G and G...the last cousin to receive his...a rite of passage!
Check out the cool socks Carter got in his stocking....so comfy and warm!
What a fun and special time to have all 6 cousins together on Christmas morning! Glad we didn't give "the gift of sickness" bc no one else in the crowd got what M had the day before...such a blessing to all be together and enjoy the festivities and see Christmas through the eyes of the children! :)
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