Sunday, November 30, 2008

B-Day with the Fam!

Mallory enjoyed her B-Day celebration with the family on Sat. We are so grateful for our little girl! She really got into opening the gifts this year which was a lot of fun! Can't believe a year went by so fast! Some things that she is doing right now that we love and want to remember:

*When you sneeze she says, "Ha sheeeesh Mommy/Daddy/Baby...and I love that she calls me Mommy when she does that bc I'm usually Momma so it seems even sweeter to me...
*When you ask her something and she wants to answer in the affirmative she says, "Uh huh suuuuuuuuuuure!"
*When Carter cries she goes to him and says, "It's okay...It's alright.." (over and over...wish we could catch her on film with her little voice...)
She is such a blessing to us! :)

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