Sunday, November 16, 2008


Trying out the new slide with PaPa...Well new to her...My sisters and I actually grew up with it at our house! :) It just moved locations and is ready for the next generation of kiddos!

PaPa and Daddy made the stairs/ladder...

Carter had fun "talking" and smiling at MiMi while she peeled potatoes and cooked dinner!
Mallory loved the slide and wanted to go back outside after it got dark...She was not too pleased with the fact that she would need to wait until tomorrow...Guess I know what we will be doing as soon as we get back from the bus stop in the morning! :)


Ali said...


lala said...

What fun!! Wait until she discovers that wax paper can turn up the fun!!

The Perreca Family said...

What fun! How neat that the slide isn't just a slide- but a piece of history!!

Carol said...

That looks like so much fun! What a wonderful treat your dad and hubby made for your family! ;) And I love that you got the slide from your parents house... Hours and hours and hours and hours of entertainment I'm sure!