Wednesday, November 19, 2008

B-Day Breakfast!

Playing a little B-Day tune on the gee-tar this morning...

Someone is a "Little Grumbelina" on her B-Day this morning...not feeling so good...and she wasn't feeling the hat! But we are so grateful for our little one!
We are having a lowkey B-Day this morning...we were going to celebrate with our Wed. playgroup, but Mallory came down with a cold on Monday and isn't feeling we postponed....and since our plans changed for today (Mommy was more disappointed than the BDay girl I think...she still doesn't have a clue what BDays are) Daddy took off and we are having a family day celebrating the little girl that God blessed us with. She has grown so much this year! She is now a walker and a talker! She brings so much JOY to our lives! Check out her video from last yr if you like! Just click here...and tonight MiMi andPaPa and Aunt Susan will be over for dinner! :) Gotta love BDays even when you are sick!


lala said...

Awww! Little Grumpalina, just wants to left alone to eat her breakfast. I feel ya Mal Pal. I don't like mornings either especially when I'm sick!

Carrie said...

Poor Mal, sick on her birthday!! Sounds like you guys are still doing all you can to make sure it's a special day. Yay God, and happy birthday, Mallory!!

The Perreca Family said...

Happy Birthday, Mal!! I can't believe you are 2- where has the time gone??