Sunday, November 9, 2008

Roasting Dogs!

On Sat Night Daddy built a fire in the campfire area he made in our back yard...we have been wanting to use it ever since he cleared the area, but with 2 small kiddos there never seemed to be a "good" time bc we are so tired after the kids go to bed and we weren't sure how they would do with it....But we decided to cook hotdogs for dinner and then take turns tending it when it was time to put Mallory to bed...It was a little tricky with a toddler, but fun! She loved helping Daddy roast hotdogs on sticks...and ate 2 whole hotdogs for dinner...Wow! She must have been proud of her work! Then Mike and I (and Carter...all snuggled up with Mom) enjoyed it after she was asleep. Campfires are so cool...they are like the ocean...they make me so reflective and I could stare at them and think forever! (It was fun chatting with you too Kate! It was like you were there with us! :))

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