Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cabin Fever!

After 2 days at home I was feeling a bit "squirrel-y" so we ventured out today! Yay! Mon. I went through tons of clothes @ home...retrying on pre-maternity things from the attic and yesterday I couldn't find anything to do so we stayed home by default. It is harder when it's colder bc I don't want to go anywhere that could be "germ central." Life is starting to settle into a routine with my two guys so I'm looking forward to the new freedom I will have in the mornings. (Last yr I was Nannying during the day so I couldn't go out most mornings.) Today we went to "StoryTime" and I ran into an old friend from High School so that was fun! :) And now it's NapTime...Yay! Could today get any better?!?! :)


The Perreca Family said...

I know what you mean! Alden is about to give up his morning nap- and I am SO excited about being able to leave the house! Until now, my 2 have been tag-teaming naps for the last 6 mo!! Enjoy being able to get out while you can!!

Carol said...

How fun to have your mornings back :) We've been going to story-time at the library lately too... it's just fun to get out! I'm so with you on not being able to stay home more than a couple days without getting antsy though!