Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our Little Linus

Linus was always my favorite Charlie Brown character and now we have one living in our house! This little boy loves his blankie (or woobie as Elmo would say)! After his morning nap his PT came by and was so impressed with his progress that she said it's time for him to "grad-u-ma-cake!!!" Yay! At 12 months we had him evaluated bc he was a little behind in the gross motor skills dept., but even between eval. and the first PT session he had learned so many new skills! He was taking steps left and right this morning and showing off for "his teacher"! :)
It was neat to have that time to focus on him and his learning....and it didn't hurt that his PT went to JMU! :) It was good for M to see someone else having a teacher and that she needs to sit back and let Carter do for himself. Not always the easiest thing for a big sis to do. :)

We are so grateful for the growth that he has gained over the past few months...we know it won't be long now before he is walking! God is good!

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Aww- we have a Linus, too! Alden LOVES his NeNe and would drag it everywhere if we let him! I love that our little boys show the ability to love so much even now!