Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daddy Day

We let Daddy sleep in, but after Mallory had made her card she couldn't stand it any longer...we had to wake him up @ 9am! We then took him out to breakfast (his favorite meal of the day!)

We enjoyed some time outside in the front yard while Mike put the carseats back in the van (the van made the voyage north this weekend) He wasn't supposed to do anything today...and he listened except for that! We are super excited to have the van back though! So roomy!

Blanket Time and Car Time...

There goes Sissy up in the tree....won't be long before Carter can join in the fun!

And now I'm in the tree and get to take an "artsy pic...."

We had a great day celebrating all that Mike is to us and doing relaxing things that he enjoys like walks, just being still, and hanging out! We are so blessed by him each day! I am so grateful my kids have him to watch and learn from...Happy Daddy's Day! :)

1 comment:

lala said...

Where did you find that Hawaiian Shirt?? That looks hilarious on little man. I hope he packs it for the beach. (With a little Panama Jack Hat.) _ Auntie LuLu