Friday, April 10, 2009

Hot Cross Buns

So apparently "Hot Cross Buns" isn't just a song you learn to play on your recorder in 4th grade Music Class! I found out from one of the ladies in Bible Study the history behind these...Click here for some info. Lots of drama in England back in the day over the buns. Since I love traditions and I can only bake a few things :)...I went on down to "The U" today and they had them! So after dinner we each (except yr!) had our first Hot Cross Bun and we talked with the kids about the cross and what "Good Friday" is all about. Then we headed to our church service...

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

I just learned this history, too! I was going to try and make some this week- but Streph Throat got in my way.... Maybe this week- better late then never...