Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More "Do-able" Donation...

Today was finally the day...I've been growing out my hair forever it feels like and I can never wear it down bc it is "out of control!!!!"...My hair has been ready for a while :) ...but I've been procrastinating bc of my "fear of change"...I love when people do the drastic cuts and love when my friends do, but never could myself....I'm such a chicken!!! But then I heard of Pantene Beautiful Lengths from a friend and you only have to have 8 inches instead of 10 so I thought I could finally do it!... (She cut 10 inches today though bc I had plenty!!!!!)

It's time to finally make an appointment when your husband lovingly asks you how many wigs you plan on making... :)

Yay! I am so excited to have hair that I can wear down! And excited about the "Hair Mail" I just sent!

Another reason I wanted to grow my hair was bc of little Ber (pic on my sidebar) bc he and his family are always on my mind and in my prayers as they fight his cancer...They are an amazing family....You can go here to donate money for the much needed research to find a cure for these kids. Thanks for your help!!! :)


Ginny said...

AWESOME! It looks SO good! I can't believe how long your hair was!!! Wow, it really looks fantastic- I'm proud of you, I know it is scary to get all of that chopped off!!

Michelle said...

Your new haircut looks great! And what a great cause to donate your long locks to!

Ali said...

Your new do looks great. I don't think I even realized it was that long.

Laura P said...

Congrats Sarah! It looks great!!

Emily Barrett Ahrens:) said...

you look sooo pretty:):) miss yoU!

Carol said...

Cute hair! I love it! I can't belive how long it was before... how funny about how many wigs you're making! Ha! It does look great!

Kelley said...

you. are. beautiful. as always....