Sunday, April 5, 2009

Luke 19 and Psalm 150

Carter enjoyed playing with the cross made out of a palm leaf as we waited for Sissy Bear to wake up this afternoon...Mallory was "plum tuckered out" from all the excitement lately and was still sleeping at 430...we had to wake her up to be able to get to the festival before it ended...we got there 10 mins before it did and walked away with lemonade and games or activities for us...but it wasn't a total loss...and then we headed to the park near the church...

I read Luke 19 today and love the part..."If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise."It has been so neat listening to Mallory in the car sing lyrics as she listens to our "Scripture Memory CD"...It always makes me cry in church when the little kids on the way to the festival she was singing parts of Psalm 150...

"Let everything that has breath...Praise the Lord!!!...." Happy Palm Sunday! Have a blessed week! :)

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Isn't it the sweetest when you hear your kids repeating Bible verses? It melts my heart, too!! I love Carter's shirt- Alden had the same one- happy memories!!