Monday, April 27, 2009

8 Months!

Can't believe our little guy turned 8 months today! Where has the time gone?!?!!? And when I was pushing him in the swing this afternoon I noticed a 2nd tooth poking through on the bottom! Stop it!!! He is growing way toooo quick! Here he is munching on a Ritz cracker watching Sissy play in the pool yesterday after the Block Party...yes that's right...we broke out the pool in April!

Carter's favorite activity is to watch his big sister...and Mallory constantly is hugging him and saying, "I love you Carter!!!!" (I often wonder why I don't get the same treatment :) )

He is such a happy little guy and we are so grateful that God gave him to our family. We are loving watching him grow! Hard to believe that in about 4-5 short months there will be 2 "little people" walking around this house for us to chase!

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Wow- how can Carter be 8 mo old?!? He is SUCH a cutie- I can say that for a few more months, right? Alden still loves to watch and play with Addie- one of the major perks of having them so close in age! Enjoy!!