Thursday, April 23, 2009

God's Provision...

We are floored and beyond hyper over our new set of wheels! You'd think we won the lottery! We are overwhelmed with God's goodness to us and His provision less than a week after people were praying about our situation! Very humbling! One of the ladies at Bible Study on Monday is a business partner with someone who wanted to sell their minivan (Downsizing bc kids are now in High School)...and we bought it today! For less than our "Tax Break"!!!! God is a God of detail isn't He!?!?!?!
The kids got to stay up late and check it out after Mike, PaPa, and I got back home with it. We were telling the kids about the trips we will go on this summer and Mallory kept saying, "I want to go to the beach!!!" :) It was so fun to think about the family trips we are going to take in it! :)
We are all sorts of "geeked up" that we own a car from this Millennium (2000 Sienna) and it has half the miles of our "best" car! Mike was excited to upgrade to my old car and already switched everything out so he can drive it to work tomorrow. And the weather is supposed to be awesome tomorrow...only bummer...No reason to take the new "bus shuttle" to the bus stop tomorrow morning! We are so grateful...God is so good!


Courtney said...

so great, sarah! He IS a God of details, isn't He? :-)

Michelle said...

Wow, that is so exciting! What a wonderfully specific and tangible answer to your prayers. Enjoy your new ride!

Ginny said...

wow, what a blessing!! How awesome!!!

Ali said...

hooray! what a blessing. you'll love it

The Perreca Family said...

Awesome- God answered your prayer with such a great van- it's the one that we want to get when my Pilot dies!