Monday, February 2, 2009

What a GAME!!!

Mallory all ready for the game....yeah...this is about the 2 sec that she watched...she loves getting in her brother's chair though...

Got a pic of me with my girl...these kids are gonna think I was never there when they were growing up...I'm always behind the lens!

Playing with Daddy..."Daddy's funny!"

What a GREAT 1st Super Bowl for little Carter! Such an incredible game! After the kids were asleep I got to watch all the exciting plays! Carter looks a bit "fever-y" in this pic...bc he was...poor guy...but still was the first time he ran a fever w/o getting shots first...we are going in to the doctor today to see if the congestion finally went to his ears and to try to pick a different med for allergies bc the current one isn't working for our little guy that we affectionately call "the metal detector" bc of the clicking sound he makes when he breathes. :)

Favorite memories of the game:
*Mal taking a sip of my drink..."1 sip" I always say....and she knows the concept of a sip and the she gets around it by sipping w/o breathing 4ever until she nearly burst!
*Bedtime with her after bath..."You may read 3 books" she likes to read to us now...and what does she choose for one of her books??? The picture Bible! I was cracking up and she "read" about 1/3 of it! Sneaky girl!
*After I fed Carter in his room before he went to bed and I was looking at him and praying for him silently....he chuckled in his was adorable.

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Awww- such sweet memories!! They do grow-up so fast!