Friday, February 6, 2009

Special Alone Time

Carter has been fine since the "false alarm" on Wed. night...must have been that rice cereal! We are so grateful! He is getting to such a fun age (all baby ages are fun...but I wish I could "freeze" them sometimes from 5 months to a yr!) He likes to try to sit up and he wibbles and he wabbles and he DOES FALL down! Look at the concentration it takes in the above pic! :)

(Trying to be a little "artsy" in the above pic) He loves playing with things...sometimes I hear him playing and think...what is that...and look over and it's him playing! He plays a lot in his car seat now too!

Mallory got to spend the night with MiMi and PaPa last night so her bed was empty and Maggie took full advantage...Can you see her? Mallory loves finding Maggie in her bed sometimes before going to sleep! Mallory had a blast as always with her grandparents...we are so grateful for the memories and relationship they have with each other...and it gave me time to concentrate on just Carter and that was so much fun!

Carter fell asleep on the way to my Bosnian friends house today for tutoring and then again when we left...but over the last few days when we've been at home he has slept in his crib for all of his naps...and he has put himself to sleep 3xs without help! (2xs without any crying!) I think his lovey...Mr. Doggie is really helping him during this transition! When I have to go in to help him after he cries for 10 mins (which is def hard and feels like eternity!!!...sign that boy up for Anger Management 101!!!) I put his paci in and then Doggie in his hands and he grabs Doggie for a big hug and passes out! It's adorable! :)

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