Friday, March 5, 2010

18 Months!!!!

Our little boy is 1 and a half and headed towards two-dom in full force! How did this happen?!!?

*He loves books and "reading" which makes his parents so happy...
*He loves climbing the stairs and has no fear of anything...we have recently been able to teach him to "bop down the stairs on his bottom," but he will stand up half way down and try to dance...he is such a goof! Wonder where he gets that from? Guess his "genetic pool" was stacked in that dept!

*He can go "HAPPY to HULK" in point 5 secs! When we got to the drs today the nurses said, "Look at him grinning and so happy...he's not crying..." The sec. I got him undressed to get weighed he was HULK and let the place know he remembered where he was...(M would start crying the second we checked in at the doctor at this age...) Our children def. get "Dr. Phobia" between 1 and 2 yrs...

*Carter doesn't like to be dropped off at the Nursery anymore...he has separation anxiety and never did before...makes it harder to leave him...but he gets over it quickly and going to get him at the end is THE BEST!!! He gets so excited to see you!!! :)
*He has given up his morning nap and now only takes one long nap in the afternoon (M was 19 months when she gave up her morning nap)

*He got his first bloody nose the other day when he fell down while running...He runs around like a "wildman" 24/7...don't know if it is a 2nd child thing or a boy thing...but he is wide open! "A bull in a china shop!"
*He is finding himself in Time Out (1 min) a lot lately...we are working on obeying and looking our parents in the eyes when we are talking about what we did wrong...He thinks discipline is a game, but we know he knows when he is doing wrong...

*He loves Elmo! Here he is with the $1 Elmo MiMi found at a yard sale in NC when M was at the Elmo it's Carter's turn to lug him around! He talks and everything...
*He likes to help...he was helping me with the laundry until he heard Elmo come on and then ran and got Elmo to watch it over the balcony. The last 15 mins of Sesame Street always grab his attention when it is time for Elmo's World...

*He loves playing with his cars on the new mat in his room...he will lay down and vroom them here and there!
*He doesn't have as many words as his sister did at this age...but we are sure he will have a lot to say when he starts talking! He likes to converse in his own language...
*He is starting to "speak up for himself" and doesn't always want to be "managed" by his big sis...

Mallory got to have a special overnight last night with MiMi and PaPa...PaPa fixed our dryer and then she headed over to their house so I could take Carter alone today to the doctor...She had a blast as always! Thanks MiMi and PaPa!

Here is our little rocker...he loves music! (Love the chaos in the background...B&A Kids playing a computer game, a 4th grader practicing his recorder, and one playing with a pet carrier...)

And here he is with his Elmo...

18 Month Stats:

Weight: 29 lbs 4 ozs (80-90%tile)
Height: 34 in (90-95%tile)

Click here for Mallory at 18 months

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Way to go Moose!! You are such a boy- and I love it!