Monday, May 19, 2008

A Very MERRY UN-Birthday!

Hard to believe our little girl is a year and a half today!!! It's her half B-Day! We are so blessed by her personality! She brings so much joy to our lives and is growing up so quickly! She seems to be hitting the "terrible twos" early bc her fav word is "No!" and we have been trying to teach her it is ok to say no if you say "no thank you" so now she very passionately says "no" and signs "thank you"....a little funny bc the sign for thank you doesn't look so nice if you don't know the sign (you put your hand to your chin and then drop it)...but some people have mistaken it for her blowing kisses after saying we let them think that to counteract the "no!" :) We have also been talking to her a lot about her brother in my belly...she likes to touch my belly button and rub my tummy and say, "baby"....but then she lifts her shirt and does the same thing! I think we are confusing the poor girl! Another cute thing she has just started doing is wanting to hold our hands to pray before meals....and then again and again...she wants to pray and pray! It's so fun!
***We went to the doctor today (5/20) for her checkup....she now weighs 22 lbs 2 oz and is in the 20%tile for weight (up 5%) and 65%tile for height (down 10%)....we won't go back again for a checkup til she's 2! Crazy! :)

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Wow- can she really be 18mo old? I just loved the stories of her speaking and signing and funny looks they can bring! I remember those days with Addie.... Hopefully Alden will catch on to signing soon- he get so frustrated when I don't understand him....