Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year

"Change is inevitable-
except from a vending machine."
~Robert Gallagher

I always think of that quote from back in the day...I'm not a big fan of change (except from a vending machine!) even though a lot of time it is good...New Yr's Eve is a little sad as you say "goodbye" to all the things in the last yr, but it is also hopeful for the new yr that is fast approaching...Last week was a little rough as we went from our Snowcation and Christmas Break to "full speed ahead"...Carter was needier and calling for "Daddy" and "Mah-ree" when they were at school...the B&As were back in full effect and readjusting to our house rules after being away for 2.5 wks...

But we had a lot of fun too!

Had Book Club on Friday night and drove home in beautiful fluffy cool to watch it come down with Mike when I got home...

So many hopes and wishes for seems like it will be the biggest yr for Carter as he does many new things: (we will try to space out all of these transitions for him...)
*potty training
*big boy bed transition
*saying goodbye to the paci at nap and night
*starting Preschool in the fall
What a big yr for my little baby boy and a big yr for us as parents as we transition into having 2 kids in preschool and truly moving out of baby-ville...

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Transitions and change- never easy, but the end results are always well worth it- right??