Monday, February 1, 2010

MiMi and PaPa Visit!

The kids were so excited that MiMi and PaPa made the journey over to play last night and have dinner with us! We got to go play outside twice! :)

Both kids had a big time!

The slide is always a hit and our "sledding fix" for now while they are little...


Snow angels...we are a bit obsessed with them at the moment!

Mike started to shovel the was our longest snow adventure yet!

When we came back in Carter was so tired since he didn't sleep well last night or have a good nap...he fell asleep on his Daddy from 6-8:30 pm...Can't remember the last time that happened! He had a fever during his nap and was tugging on his ear....We knew we were in for another long night...So sad to see your baby sick...

He enjoyed his dinner and a popsicle around 9pm and our silly guy came back to us for a bit! He was ready to party as he is usually in bed by 730!

Then some more cuddling during the game before sleeping on Mommy sitting up on the couch until 2am when he finally got in his crib...

Went to the doctor this am and he has an ear infection so hopefully he will be on the mend soon with his meds.....and as you can see below "Cabin Fever" was beginning to set in this morning...

Kids are calling us from their naps now...Mallory read and sang the whole time today...Cracks me up how Mike can sleep through anything!...I'm so glad Carter got some sleep though! :)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow you all have had SO much snow this year! What fun! It's great you've been able to get out and play in it and make snow cream too! Oh we miss the white stuff! Sorry Carter is sick though - that's always hard! Hope he gets better quick!