Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lucky # 7...

So after meeting Norris and seeing him around all the kids at the Nursery today Mike was sold...Good idea SPCA to camp out in front of the event! :) I went back while the kids napped to get another chance to see him and get to know him...Mike would've taken him home right away...I can't make hasty decisions and we were planning on getting a dog when the kids were older...but Mike has been waiting a long time for a dog and he was such a sweet heart...

It was so fun to take him upstairs when the kids woke up from nap!

He is so good with kids...Carter has fallen/sat on him 3xs since his adoption at 3:30!

See his poor little ribs poking out? He is a 9 month old mutt and chill as a cucumber...

The kids enjoyed "walking" him around today...I mean what kinda dog is chill enough to allow kids to walk them?

Aunt Susan and MiMi came over to dinner to hang out with our new pet...

They approve!

We are now a family of 7! :)


Ginny said...

Oh my gosh!!!! What a cutie! Welcome Norris! Sounds like such a great dog, and so adorable. How are the cats reacting? I'm excited to meet your new addition!

Laura said...

You got a dog! WOW! I know you all will enjoy him (and he's happy to have you!)

Michelle said...

How fun!! He looks like a great addition to your family....already so good with the kiddos! Hope your cats approve....

The Perreca Family said...

Awww- he looks wonderful! If you ever want a playdate- for the dogs AND kids- let me know! My 9 yr old dog is very mellow, too!

Ali said...

Congratulations on your newest addition. He looks like a great dog. Mason will love him!

Carol said...

Wow that's big news in the Morin family! How exciting! I'm sure the kids are over the moon... and Mike too ;) I know you love your cats but there's nothing like having a dog ;) Congrats!