Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The GOOD Life...

Have been feeling a little "under the weather" the last 2 days...but still so grateful for everything in my life...Last night Carter was walking around upstairs with his blankie on his head and cheesing it up and I was thinking...I'm gonna miss this! I think it hit me yesterday when I signed M up for preschool next yr and thought...I will only sign her up one more yr and then it will be K in 2012! SADness! My babies are growing up...(Hence the flash back photos)...

I'm so grateful I have been home with them and have gotten to experience so much with them...Like the time M's fav animal got a little too up close and personal with her at the zoo...

The other night before bed M hugged me and said, "When I grow up you will be my baby and I will love you!" Such a sweet moment! And I love how when we say our favorite part of the day at dinner Carter will offer his two cents which is usually something like "humm bubbb aaa!" And I love the fact that my husband makes me laugh every single day and treats me like a queen...

I'm just so thankful for my "peachy" life! :)

1 comment:

The Barnes Family said...

You are so great at putting everything in perspective and being thankful for each day!! You really are an inspiration!