Monday, December 22, 2008

Look! Look! Look!

The Fam all bundled up...can't even see poor Carter's face!

I had tears in my eyes as Mallory pointed to things and was so excited! "Look! Look! Look!" she kept saying....It was so neat to hear Mike talk to her about what was happening and who everyone was....she didn't want to wear her mittens (of course!) and kept putting her hands into the top of Daddy's sweet!

"Burr-ito Boy" all bundled up....snug as a bug in a rizzzzzzzzz ug! And Carol and Amina below...

We went to the "Miracle of Christmas" at the zoo last night for the first was so great! We will def be making this a tradition for our family...they read and acted out the story with animals, music, and a host of characters in was freezing, but totally packed with people hearing about the King who came to live "among us."

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Awww! What fun!! I always heard it was great- glad you guys had a good time!!