Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ice Cream Shoppe!

Here is "Little Miss Noelle" in her new Play-Doh Ice Cream Shoppe! It's a bit like "Groundhog's Day" around here since she received this cool new toy at her party! She has to play with it every morning! Hours of fun I tell you! Even the cousins enjoyed the "magic" of the Shoppe this morning...they spent the night last night...good times..good times! :)


The Perreca Family said...

Oh my goodness!! Addie got the exact same icecream set for her birthday!! We are opening it TODAY to play with!! I'm more excited then her since I know how much fun it's going to be!! I've been a chicken until now to actually bring it into the house- I know how Alden eats everything.... It should be fun!!

Kelley said...

this picture of Abby and Carter is absolutely priceless! The look of love on Abby's face.... awwwwwwwwwwwwww