Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Year Well Visit...

Here is our little "Snow Lady" at the museum with her sparkly band aid on her finger after her 2 yr visit! We had Mal's doctor visit today...We felt bad doing it on the same day as Santa and tried to reschedule, but the next appointment available would have been in Jan. so we went ahead and went today and it worked out great! (There was more fear with Santa than the Dr! I think it helps that we switched Peds. bc she doesn't associate the new office with shots...they get so many their first 2 yrs of life!)
We are so grateful for her health and development and can't believe we don't officially have to go back for her until she is 3 if she stays well....fingers crossed!!!! :)
Her Stats:
Weight: 25 lbs 5 ozs 25%tile
Height: 75%tile


The Perreca Family said...

She is the cutest snowgirl I've ever seen!!

Carol said...

She is so cute! I can't believe Amina is only 3 lbs lighter than Mallory! ;) We can't wait to see you in a week!