Saturday, October 11, 2008

Folk Festival!

Getting ready...Mallory loves helping MiMi with her makeup...

Both kids took their 1st ride on a bus! We took the shuttle to the festivities!

MiMi and I headed over to the Folk Festival today after naptime with the kiddos. There were a baQUILLION people there and so many vendors and lots of fun music! We mainly walked around and people watched....and wondered why Mallory is super gregarious and loudly greets people in situations like the festival and is so shy when meeting people one on one or in playgroups....Such a mystery! :)
I also wanted to say that yesterday Mallory said, "I wuv you" for the first time to me out of the blue without me saying it to her was the BEST!!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's the best ever that mal said "i wuv you" first -- how amazing!!!!!!!!