Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"A Feast in the Moments"

"He gifts with seeds as small as moments, grace upon grace, and the unlikely here and now, it shall sustain you, feed you.

Do not disdain the small. The promise of feast is within the moments.

Our enough is always in the now, because He never leaves us."

~ Ann Voskamp...from this post (click to read)

Loved that post and the fact that the "feast is within the moments"...

Definitely feel that way a lot...trying to slow down and enjoy and feast in the moments!

It has been crazy busy around here, but the promise of summer (and a slower schedule) is in the air...and this past weekend I could taste it!

Even when we are super busy we can be "still" in the moments and enjoy them for what God designed them to be...for what is the chief end of man? To GLORIFY God and ENJOY Him forever!

He gives us so much to enjoy each day!!! We just have to look! :)

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