Saturday, June 26, 2010


What a great first week of summer! I am loving the slower pace of things! Yesterday I took the kids over to MiMi and PaPa's pool to keep them out of the way so Mike could work his magic in the packing dept...(Thanks Mike!)...always easier to pack w/o little ones underfoot...when we got to their house I got Carter out first and put him down on the B-Ball court...then I got M out...I was grabbing the pool stuff out of the car when I hear M say, "Carter is playing with one of MiMi and PaPa's snakes!" ...ummmm what!??! I looked over and saw my baby with a snake slithering all over his hands up near his face! He was having a good ol time....Yikes! I told him to put it down and he is a pic of one of their cats with it before MiMi trapped it under a bucket for PaPa to identify when he got home...PaPa says it's a garter harmless...but snakes really freak me out! An exciting start to our pool day...hopefully we learned that we don't play with snakes!!! :)

The cats don't know what to think of all the packing...

I think they want to come with us...but we have some highly qualified cat sitters coming so we know they will be just fine...Can't wait to feel the sand between my toes today! :)

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

YIKES!!!! Why does God make boys so that they love creepy-crawely things?!? I think Alden would have done the same thing as Carter.... Sigh.... Have a great time at the beach- we are going soon and can't wait!!