Saturday, June 12, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date

Mike and Mal are on a date to see Peter Pan during naptime today...M is so excited! When we saw Cinderella with Grandma lots of the girls wore their costumes and I thought that was fun so I asked if she wanted to wear her Tinkerbell dress today and she did! She also wanted to bring along her Tinkerbell doll from Aunt Susan...she was all set to go...I can't wait to hear all about it! When we worked with the youth at church we went to see some of the kids in some plays put on by this company....and they were always so well done...if either of our kids get into theater I would love for them to get involved with this Christian group...I was always so impressed with their work...hopefully I'll get to go to some shows soon...I haven't been since having's fun to have a kid old enough to take now! :)


The Perreca Family said...

SO cute!!! And what a wonderful way to create super-special memories!!

Emily Paden said...

AWWWWWW!!!!!!! Your daughter is really cute, Mr. Morin. So is your son. I'm really going to miss you over summer and in 6th grade but I'm going to ask my mom for a blog so if I get one I'll tell you the adress so we can keep in touch, okay(huff, wow that was a mouthful!)(I don't like using my mom's school e-mail)?