Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Weekend...

We had a very restful weekend! We had nothing planned until Sunday and just enjoyed hanging around the house! Church was wonderful on Sunday...

Then we came home to our "3rd cat"...the kids love our neighbor's fiance's dog...."a cat" in Mike's opinion...we are seeing more of her these days and the kids are loving it! She is such a sweetie!

Then of course it's time to play in one of the 2 cars...See M in the background? We spend lots of time in there pretending to drive all over....lately the destination has been the Strawberry Patch... :)

And lastly...our weekend was about saying goodbye to these guys...I bawled like a baby...and I'm still confused, but I love the show and all the conversations I've had over the yrs about it...what will we do without it!?!?!!?


Ali said...

watched it last night. you guys didn't spoil it. sorry if I kept you from more convo. yes, I am still LOST.

The Perreca Family said...

What fun!! I love that you call your neighbor's dog a "cat." lol!!