Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Love my MWF mornings with my little side kick...He loves superheros (just like Daddy) and has lucked into several being handed down to him lately...above he and Ironman check out a fountain...

Carter is starting to talk more and more:
"What's dis Momma?"
"It's a _____ Momma!!!"
"Read it to me Momma!"
"It's my turn Momma!"

He is obsessed with sticks...last summer they were off limits for him bc I didn't want him to fall with them...don't want to squash his "nature-ness," but I think they are going to be off limits again this yr...he just falls down too much with them in hand....hoping to get him a light saber soon to quench his love of sticks...or a sword..."it's a sword Momma!" I love how most of his current sentences end with "Momma!!!"

I love chatting with him more...he has already met 1 of his 4 speech goals between when he was evaluated a month ago and his first speech session last week...we are so excited about having more convos with our little Moose!

With more talking he is also cranking the Terrible 2s up a notch...often choosing "the hard way" instead of the "easy way"...we all go through reminds me of the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt"..."we can't go over it, we can't go under it, we can't go around it.....WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT!" Gotta go through the Terrible 2s, but we are thankful for our little guy...even when he is a BEAR! :)

He has the best laugh and smile and he cracks us up with his antics so much each day!

1 comment:

lala said...

I totally forgot about We're Going on a Bear Hunt!! Do you guys have that book? I'm having flash-backs now!