Thursday, October 28, 2010

Favorite!!!!! :)!!

I was a little bit HYPER when both my sisters texted me that the ENTIRE cast of my favorite movie was going to be on Oprah today! We might be the only people in America not to have DVR so I am hoping to catch it the first time around...if not I'm hoping they will re-air it here...YAY!!! :)


Casey said...

I'm so bummed. I totally meant to dvr this and somehow forgot! How did I do that? I was so excited! I sure hope they show it you know if they are? Did you get to see it?

The Perreca Family said...

Don't feel bad- we don't have DVR either... I hope to catch the cast- I LOVED that movie, too!!

Sarah said...

i did get to see! im sure they will show it again...just not sure is a link you guys might enjoy...