Monday, October 11, 2010

aPpLe PiCkiNg!!!!

We had a great time picking apples with one of our playgroups this Sunday! So beautiful to be out in God's creation in the fall!

"Sunshine spills through autumn-colored leaves, lighting up their brilliance like stained-glass windows in a great cathedral, expressing the wonder of God's love, declaring His glory."


We headed down one of the first rows we saw...

M and C both picked one...they were high up....Mike did most of the of the moms actually climbed a tree...our kids once they had one were content to munch and walk behind "Daddy's apple picking wake"...

It was the apple harvest so lots of the low ones were picked that the kids could reach in the first area...if we had walked further I'm sure they would have been more in kid's reach...

Yummmmmm! Jonagold...very tasty!

Helped little man pick one...what a neat experience to have with them! Reminds me of a quote from Bug's Life (one of our current favs)...Flick is talking with Dot about not feeling bad about being young and small and Flick picks up a rock and pretends it's a seed..."See that huge strong tree up there? Everything that tree needs to be great is contained in this small seed...just give yourself time..." Being out in nature and seeing the wonder of it all really makes you in awe of God and His beautiful creation...

Carter was so excited he was about to bust a gut...

It was warm and bright and little Miss needed to borrow my shades after working in the orchard!

Carter took many a tumble down the mountain and got quite dirty...and as a did I!

After a picnic lunch and listening to a little band play we took apple pics before calling it a day!

What fun memories we made....with so many people...the place was crrrrrrrrrrrriiiizzzzz-owded!


Ginny said...

love the fam picture and Mal with the sunglasses- so cute!!

The Perreca Family said...

What fun!! We are going next weekend- to avoid the crazy crowds!!

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