Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2 yr Stats

Our little guy is 2! He loves Super Why and was so excited to get Wyatt from M for his BDay...he carries him around a lot...

He loves his sister and puts up with being "managed" and "directed" by her pretty well...until he has had she wrapped him up like a baby and he thought that was pretty funny...until it wasn't... :)

He enjoys the B&A crew and shows off some Silly Bandz he got this morning from them...

He still loves playing with "guys"...friends from church passed these Toy Story characters down...We are so grateful for all our hand me downs!

MiMi and PaPa kept M over night Monday so I could take Carter to his 2 yr well visit alone...Mallory had a blast and it was nice to concentrate on just Carter...We are grateful for a healthy little boy!
His stats:
34 lbs 8 ozs 95%tile (10 lbs more than M was at 2!...she was in the 25%tile)
36 inches 75-90%tile (M was in the 75%tile too)

Thanks for keeping M! She wants to come back already! :)

1 comment:

Ginny said...

aw, God bless Carter! What a little man!!