Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hocus!!! Hocus!!!

Mallory loves wearing her hooded towel after bathtime and twirling around and saying, "Hocus!!! Hocus!!! You can't see me!" (Just like Little Bear...minus the Pocus part :)) Today when we were at the park I asked her "Are you my Boo-schnickle? and she said, "I Mah-reee!!!" (Someday soon I know she is going to learn to say her name for real! and I don't want to forget the Mah-ree days...)

We are having a good week with lots of "I love you mores!" which is such a blessing bc last week was a doozie with a combo of Time Outs for behavior and Potty Training...so I am grateful that the Lord answered prayers for a smoother week! :)

Aunt Susan even stopped by this evening for a recipe and stayed for bedtime!

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