Sunday, December 9, 2007

What a weekend!

Rockbridge Camp...isn't is Be-A-U-tiful!?!?!? :) Gotta love being in the Valley!!!
Fun times at camp in the summer...did "the blob" as a college student...would I dare to do it today??? hummmmmmmm?!?!?!?
Molly caring for Mallory after breakfast...
Mallory and MiMi busy playing before bedtime last night...

Mike is away at camp with the middle schoolers of our church and having a blast!! We were all 3 going to go, but after much debate we thought it might be best to keep baby at home with one of us. We thought she would be too distracting and we wanted the kids to have as much fun as possible. We also couldn't see leaving her for a whole weekend w/out one of us and being several hours away...(one day it will feel ok to do that for a weekend...a night we've done, but 48 hrs would be hard!!!) There were more boys going and Mike is so good with the age group so he was elected to go on the trip! The 2 speakers I know from my time at JMU so it's fun to know Mike is getting to hear from them now! He has had a lot of fun playing sports with the guys and hanging out. Mallory and I can't wait for him to come home this afternoon! :)

Meanwhile at home we had Molly spend the night on Fri. (she is the couple's daughter who went on the trip with Mike) She is so fun and loves babies so she was such a help to have around the house. Mallory loves her. She left in the afternoon for her aunt's house and then Mallory and I headed over to MiMi and PaPa's for a slumber party. I wanted to bake cookies with Mom and we had a lot of fun! Now it's time to head out to cousin Abby and Thomas' Christmas pageant at church!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are always busy and having fun!!