Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stockings! Stockings! And More!

How fun are these stockings????
The Wise men are making their way to Baby Jesus...(A tradition we started that we learned from a teacher at Mike's school...) The Wise men move to a different spot each day until Christmas Day when they get to the Nativity!
Mallory in her new tent with her new robot...the cats love it too!

Busy, busy, busy! Mallory and I had a fun time at Club Mom this morning with friends and now we are busy around the house and Mallory is enjoying all of the goodies that were passed down to her yesterday! Ever since we found out Mallory was a little girl back in Aug. of 2006 I couldn't wait to get some of these fun stockings...and now I have some! (Thanks for all the great stuff Courtney!)

And I also wanted to thank everyone so much for your prayers for Ber...when he got to the hospital yesterday they decided he needs chemo before they can have the surgery to remove the tumor. Please keep praying for healing. His parents are making a website and I will post that as soon as they do.

1 comment:

The Barnes Family said...

Love the wise men tradition...I told my mom about it and how I want to do it next year...guess what showed up at our house yesterday? A "little people" nativity set! I think it's the same one Mallory has actually! What a cute idea!