Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer's Here!!! Yay!!!

Mal playing with Joshua's fun cube that lights up and plays music...she loved it!
So fun to watch them grow...Joshua was born on Mallory's due date (Christmas Day!) So they are doing a lot of the same things! It's nice for the Mommies to swap stories! :)
Thought I should post a pic of Mallory in action with all the talk of Nap Training! She loves her loveys! (Thanks Aunt Susan, Laura, and Ginny!...and thanks for the sleep sack Laura P!)

Mike is home and summer has begun! We are so EXCITED to have more family time for the 3 of us! I love having Mike home during the day (now I'll have someone to talk to who will talk back!!!)! I know Mallory will love it too! It's going to be neat having summers off all together as the kids grow up! A perk to teaching! (We think all adults should get a break from their professions too!!!! Wish they would make that happen!)

This morning Mallory and I went to Tara's and Joshua's for a playdate. It was so fun because when we got there Joshua and Mallory were all smiles when they saw each other. It was the first time they really tried to interact. Can't wait to see how they continue to have fun with each other over the years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a fun time today too! Thanks for playing with us!