Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life is not an iPOD

We have had a nice PJ day around the house...cleaning, laundry, playing games, etc...A nice change of pace from our "go go go" the last month...Really loved this devo and what it had to say...I was thinking while we were at the park yesterday...it is so nice to live in the digital age...I can take 30 pics and delete half of the bad ones...if I didn't live in this age I would have to budget my film $ and really think about each pic...but there are pitfalls to living in the iPOD age...We can't pick and choose all we go through in life...And God doesn't waste anything we go through...We often learn the most through the hard things....

So today when I was reading all my sleep books wondering why my daughter who has always been an awesome sleeper keeps going through times of having problems going to bed at night I remember that this is for my good and that God is working...I am learning how to pray harder for my little girl and God is teaching her that He is the one who is always with her...and when my son cleans his plate and is the only one to receive a piece of Halloween candy for dessert and then he chooses to walk out of the kitchen with his candy bar after I told him, "if you leave the kitchen, you lose the candy..." And he chose to leave and lose the candy anyway and have a meltdown...God is at work and God is teaching all of us through "the good songs" on our life soundtrack and the songs we would rather not listen to...Life is not an iPOD...

How often I want my faith the way I want my iPod—
instant gratification without having to wade through the unknowns.
I want what I want when I want it.
Point click and play.
I don't want God to require me to buy the whole album—to deal with the parts I don't know or like, to take the time to listen to things I might not want to hear.


lala said...

That was good devo! I read it yesterday. I like it b/c when you do buy the album there are hidden nuggets of goodness that you would have missed if you didn't listen to the entire album!! You may have to listen to a few lame tracks to get to the best hidden tracks but you will be thankful you did! And sometimes the 3 or 4th time you listen to a track you actually discover you like it even more. Not skipping onto the next. Especially with tapes. Rewinding and Fast forwarding was difficult task before CD's and iPOD's. Most good things take time to develop and discover.

The Perreca Family said...

Amen sister!!